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Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR)
Availability: The FIQR is free for academic and clinical use. You may obtain an on-line license to use the FIQR by registering. The FIQR is licensed by the Mapi Research Trust on behalf of the copyright holders. If you wish to use the FIQ-R in commercial ventures, or obtain a translated version of the FIQR, please contact Mapi Research Trust:
Supplemental – Highly Recommended: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Short Description of Instrument
Construct measured: Function, overall impact and symptoms of fibromyalgia over the last 7 days as reported by patient.
Generic vs. disease specific: Disease specific for fibromyalgia
Means of administration: Self-Assessment; Can be completed via online survey
Intended respondent: Patient
# of items: 21
# of subscales and names of sub-scales: 3 – Function, Overall Impact and Symptoms
# of items per sub-scale: Function – 9 items; Overall Impact – 2 items; Symptoms – 10 items
As of 2009 the FIQ has been superseded by the FIQR. A revised version of the FIQ is called the FIQR. The FIQR has sound psychometric properties, discriminates between fibromyalgia (FM) patients and patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and major depressive disorder (MDD), takes just over 1 minute to complete, is easy to score, and can be used in online surveys. The FIQR has a good correlation with the original FIQ, thus providing the ability to compare the results of studies using the older version with studies using the revised version. The 1997 and 2002 versions included: caring for hair, walking short distances, preparing simple meal, cleaning living area, lifting and carrying an object, climbing, doing housework, maintaining a sitting position, shopping, completing daily routine, experience of self and time function, generalized pain, energy level, sensation of muscle stiffness, quality of sleep, emotional function, psychomotor function. The FIQR has the addition of memory function, sensitivity to pressure, vestibular function of balance and sensory function related to temperature and other stimuli.
Content validation:  FIQ excellent, FIQR has good correlation
Specific validation in ME/CFS: Extensive in FM.
The scoring of the original FIQ was cumbersome and time-consuming. The FIQR has all questions rated on a 0 -10 scale, and scoring is simply a matter of adding the score for each domain and applying a "normalization" factor to each of the 3 domain scores. The functional domain score is divided by 3, the overall domain score is divided by 1 (i.e. it is left unchanged), and the symptom domain score is divided by 2. The total FIQR score is the sum of the 3 normalized domain scores. 0-100 (higher scores are more severe)
Advantages: FIQR version addressed issues related to ethocultural usage, symptom relevance, and arcane scoring of FIQ. It has been translated into 14 languages (Costa et al., 2016; Salgueiro et al., 2013).
Limitations: No clear norms available. Since originally developed for fibromyalgia, items may have gender bias. Difficulties with aggregating data, related to variable use of scoring mechanisms.
Administration: 1-2 minutes
Burckhardt CS, Clark SR, Bennett RM. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire: developed and validation. J Rheumatol 1991;18:728-733.
Bennett R. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ): a review of its development, current version, operating characteristics and uses. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2005; 23:S154-62.
Bennett RM, Friend R, Jones KD, Ward R, Han BK, Ross RL. The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR): validation and psychometric properties. Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11(4):R120. Erratum in: Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11(5):415.
Costa C, Pinto AM, Pereira AT, Marques M, Macedo A, Pereira da Silva JA. Psychometric properties of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR) - a contribution to the Portuguese validation of the scale. Acta Reumatol Port. 2016;41(3):240-250.
Salgueiro M, García-Leiva JM, Ballesteros J, Hidalgo J, Molina R, Calandre EP. Validation of a Spanish version of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR). Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013;11:132.


Document last updated February 2018
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